Embrace Stress & Avoid Distress

We tend to think of stress as something to avoid or something we want to remove from our lives. The reality is that a certain amount of stress may add a little excitement and challenge to our lives. If we had zero stress our lives could become ho-hum and boring. In general, our performance improves as stress increases up to a point….

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Susan Derry
Six Ways to take a Restorative Break

Have you have ever wondered why you don’t feel refreshed after taking a break at work or home? Research indicates that there are helpful and less helpful break-time activities. For example, a good break helps increase our brain function, helps us concentrate, and reduces mental fatigue. On the other hand….

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Susan Derry
Libido Killers

The disparity in desire can lead to a build-up of resentment and create distance in the relationship. Many factors can distract, discourage or dampen libido. These libido killers affect …

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Susan Derry
Why Can't I Make Up My Mind

Do you have trouble landing on a decision? Or trouble sticking to a decision once you have made it? Have you ever delayed deciding until the decision was made for you? Possible reasons for indecisiveness include…

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Susan Derry
Number One Communication Skill

Perhaps there is a reason that we have two ears and one mouth. Much of our ability to connect with each other depends upon our openness to hearing what is said. Attentive listening helps us to feel seen and valued. Our attention is a priceless gift….

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Susan Derry
Fun for Life!

Some mistakenly think that play is something children do. But there are several good reasons to continue having fun throughout our life. Create more fun and joy in your life by approaching …

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Susan Derry
Surviving the COVID Grind

As the pandemic grinds on, the stress is wearing people down. Anxiety and depression are increasing. The struggles of single parents have increased due to being cut off from most everyday social interactions. Then there are casualties….

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Susan Derry
Goals Improve Therapy

According to Zig Ziglar, "When you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time." Therapeutic goals help move your time in counseling from an enjoyable experience to a growth experience. Your counsellor will work with you to increase…

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Susan Derry
Relationship Goals

January is a time when thoughts often turn to new year's resolutions. Current restrictions mean that most of us are spending more time with only those who live in our household. Perhaps during this gift of time together, your relationship could benefit from some intentional attention…

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Susan Derry
Increase Abundance by Increasing Gratitude

We are living in stressful times. Anxiety, frustration, and fear are commonplace. Gratitude is a powerful antidote to negative emotions, and it helps us combat the negative thought train. Eight weeks of gratitude practice can begin to change your brain patterns and increase empathy and happiness…

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Susan Derry
Correcting Faulty Beliefs in Relationships

Our beliefs about relationships have a massive impact on the success of our relationships. Faulty assumptions can cause much frustration and disappointment. Sometimes beliefs that seem to be reasonable or even positive can be detrimental because they …

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Susan Derry
Resilient in Troubled Times

As human beings, we are surprisingly adaptable. A new study has found that “Our psychological immune system is so effective that even though we have an ongoing, persisting stressor, we start to fix ourselves almost immediately “ We can be knocked for a loop when stress, such as a pandemic, hits us; however ...

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Susan Derry
What I Have Learned in 44 Years of Marriage

We celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary this summer. We were married at 18 and 20 years of age, so we had a lot of growing up to do. Not that we were aware of that at the time. Over the years, we have had our share of struggles, but we have also found ways to keep falling in love over and over again. I want to share….

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Susan Derry
Overcoming Relationship Obstacles

In our relationships, when we take the challenge to face up to and work to remove obstacles that may be preventing closeness and harmony, we may be surprised to find hidden treasures. With persistent and loving efforts, we can frequently discover ways to …

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Susan Derry
Staying Calm in Troubled Times

The COVID-19 pandemic has spread world-wide. There is great uncertainty and anxiety is increasing. These are challenging times, taking care of your mental health and finding peace (even moments of peace) will strengthen your immune system and make you more resilient. Below are several suggestions to help …

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Susan Derry