Increase Abundance by Increasing Gratitude

We are living in stressful times. Anxiety, frustration, and fear are commonplace. Gratitude is a powerful antidote to negative emotions, and it helps us combat the negative thought train. It helps us focus on what is good in our lives and may even help us find the silver lining in our challenges. Are people grateful because good things happen? Or does being grateful bring good things? I think it is worth experimenting with infusing your life with gratitude and carefully noticing its impact on your wellbeing. Below are some suggestions for making gratitude an everyday experience.

1. Create a gratitude journal. Every day, write at least three specific and detailed things for which you are grateful. As a challenge, look for new things to record each day.

2. Morning meditation. Spend a few minutes meditating on gratitude. Allow the feelings of gratitude to fill your heart.

3. Share gratitude. Show your appreciation either on social media or in person. Aim to thank at least three people a day.

4. Float to the top of difficulties. Practice finding the good in the negative.

5. Choose a gratitude symbol. It could be visual or something that you carry in your pocket. When you see it or touch it, it reminds you to turn to gratitude.

6. Become like a child. Try to see things with a sense of awe, as if for the first time. Pause to notice the wonders around you.

7. Be kind to yourself. Notice and appreciate your strengths as you contribute in the world. Notice and appreciate your weaknesses because they help keep you humble. See your weaknesses as opportunities to grow and learn.

8. Savor everyday things. Enjoying the simple pleasure makes life more fulfilling.

9. Be mindful. Find the feeling of gratitude in your body.

10. Give to others. Volunteering is a reliable way to increase your wellbeing temporarily. We can often learn more about gratitude from giving than we can from receiving.

11. Focus on wellbeing. Our thoughts are so powerful, and we seem to see more of what we focus our attention on. For even just a few minutes a day, put your energy into thoughts about what you appreciate about your wellbeing.

12. Actively listen to loved ones. Find opportunities to compliment them. For those in your household, aim for three sincere compliments a day.

13. Find ways to be grateful and content with who you are and what you have as you work toward your goals.

14. Evening Reflection. Pausing to reflect on gratitude at the end of the day helps set you up for a restful sleep.

Eight weeks of gratitude practice can begin to change your brain patterns and increase empathy and happiness. Pick a few of the suggestions above and test them out. You may want to record your observations. As your heart fills with gratitude, you will find more and more things to appreciate.

Susan Derry