Fun for Life!
Some mistakenly think that play is something children do. And play is something that seems to come naturally to many children. But there are several good reasons to continue having fun throughout our life.
Fun can reduce stress – laughter is an antidote to stress. Laughter may be the "best medicine."
Enjoyable recreational activity can help reduce cortisol and noradrenalin levels (stress hormones). It can also improve our mood.
Smiling and fun can give us a boost of energy. We feel more alive and more youthful. George Bernard Shaw said, "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."
Reading for fun can increase our language and math skills. Having more fun is one possible way to improve memory and concentration.
Relationships are more gratifying when there is an element of fun. A sense of humor can help cut through tension and conflict.
Creativity and playfulness can help us prevent burnout and increase productivity.
“Never underestimate the importance of having fun! ”
How can we add more fun to our lives?
Playing and having fun is not simply about amusing ourselves. Marshall Rosenburg, the author of Non-Violent Communication, stated, "Don't do anything that isn't play." He suggested that we approach all that we do with a joyful attitude.
What can we do to make life more wonderful?
Watch your language. How often do you say, "I should" or "I have to" or "they made me"? Doing something out of obligation can suck the joy out of it. Whatever you are doing, you are choosing to do it, even if the reason you are making that choice is that you feel you have no choice. Giving yourself permission to say no, in a roundabout way, gives you permission to say yes and mean it. When you feel you have to do something, you can never really say yes to doing it. You will only be doing it because you have to. By acknowledging your decision, you permit yourself to choose to find joy as you approach the activity.
The simple change in language from 'I have to' to 'I choose to because' is empowering. Remember, whatever it is, "I am choosing to do this because."
Marshall Rosenburg would ask if you have a big enough 'Why' to keep doing what you are doing. If you do not have a big enough why—one that can motivate you to do it with a joyful attitude, then perhaps you should stop doing it. Our 'whys' motivate us. A big enough why can pull us through—can make an effort seem worthwhile.
There are many more 'whys' than simply doing what we want to do. There are many good reasons for doing things that we don't particularly want to do. Parents make sacrifices for their children because they want their children to grow up to be responsible adults. Partners do things that are not important to them but are important to their partner because their partner is important to them.
Create more fun and play in your life by approaching each day with a joyful attitude. Stop 'shoulding' on yourself. Watch your language and replace 'I have to' or 'I should' with 'I choose to because.' It will help you reduce stress, improve your mood, boost your energy, improve your concentration and memory, make your relationships more rewarding, increase your productivity and help prevent burnout. Smile, find and create fun and play in your life.