Finding Purpose After Tragedy

We have seen far too many appalling reports of horrific and unnecessary loss of life. It’s difficult to process any loss, especially such a tragic loss. But many people use tragedy as an opportunity to create something meaningful in their life. Some may decide to treasure each day a little more and be kinder to those around them, and some choose to support a cause or start an organization. These choices can make it feel a little like something helpful or meaningful has come out of the tragedy.

For many, a tragic loss forever changes the way things look and feel. It can feel impossible to simply go back to the same old routines. Everything feels so different.

Finding a sense of purpose or some way to commemorate the loved one can be a positive, healthy step. Victor Frankl, the author of Man’s Search for Meaning, suggested three possible sources of meaning in our lives, “in work, in love and in courage during difficult times.”

Finding or creating a purpose can help people cope with the tragic loss. Make them feel that their loved one did not die in vain and that honouring them in some way helps them feel more at peace with the loss. Allows them to know that their loved one will not be forgotten.

Some prefer to commemorate their loved ones in a very private way. Remember that there is no right or wrong way.

Some people choose to donate organs, write about their experiences, or find ways to help others cope with similar losses. Whether it is scholarships, donations to charities, contributing to something the loved one cared about, or reaching out to others who are struggling, taking the focus off of our suffering and turning it to someone or helping fulfill some need can be soothing and healing to those who are grieving. It can help them create meaning and find purpose in their lives.

Making something good from the horror of the tragedy can help people deal with the trauma and find ways to honour those who were lost.  

Susan Derry