Meridian Therapy
Meridian therapy is an exciting new approach to healing. Energy Therapy is a new class of treatment techniques and protocols used by therapists, nurses, physicians, psychiatrists, counselors and lay people worldwide. To date, using Energy Therapy has yielded exceptional results for emotional and physiological problems. We have not encountered or heard of any adverse side effects when the treatment suggestions and protocols were followed.
Energy Therapy techniques produce change by gaining access to the energy system of the body through the complex network of meridians or channels that move our life force or qi through our bodies. The discover Statement of Energy Therapy informs us as follows: "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." The theory states that once there is a build-up of emotional or physiological distress, one of these pathways, or meridians, becomes blocked and must be cleared, cleaned out, strengthened, or aligned, in order for healing to occur.
This system of meridians accessed in Energy Therapy was mapped out by the Chinese over four thousand years ago and is the basis of all acupuncture treatment. Imbalances in our energy system can be cleared up and healed by stimulating points along these meridians, unblocking congestion and evening out the energy flow. It does not matter whether emotional or physiological stress impairs the perfect functioning of these meridians; it only matters that these circuits of energy be realigned.
Pioneers in the Energy Medicine field consider Energy Therapy to be a form of "psychological acupuncture." While acupuncturists use needles to facilitate movement of the life force through the body, energy therapists use the fingers to tap or simply hold the endpoints of these meridians. The stimulations of these meridian points in combination with cognitive statements and emotional focus, restores balance to the energy system, and allows the body and mind to resume their potent, natural healing process.